Today in history, I am left all alone. Being left alone is not a problem for me. It's just a bit lonely with no other human company.
There is an English saying "No man is an island". There are some truths in the saying to a certain extent. Humans are created as social beings, meaning they NEED to interact. Even at an early age, humans portray this need. Just look at babies. If they are left alone for a span of time, they started to make noises to attract people to accompany them. Adults do too.
A person needs another person in order to live life to the fullest. But here, the Muslims have an advantage.
A Muslim who is alone is not always lonely. Because there is Allah to keep him company. And Muslims believe that Allah is the best company he has.
Teringat Abal basyar, Nabi Adam 'alaihissalam..lalu, Allah yang lebih Tahu dan penuh rahmat, menciptakan Hawa disampingnya..
Ada kaitan tk rasanya dgn post awk? hehe..:)
adalah jugak kaitannya :)
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