
Berjalan Mencari Makna dalam Hidup


  • Allah & His Messenger
  • my family
  • mereka yang menyayangi saya :))
  • babies and toddlers
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  • my late cat :(

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Some people say that doing good is an easy feat. You just have to avoid doing bad things; that is good already. But good for Muslims is not enough. A Muslim must be THE BEST. And to be the best, one can't just sit down, laze around and be complacent with NOT doing anything bad. Being THE BEST means to get active with deeds that not only are beneficial to you but to living things around you.

I have been resting for quite a while now and I have lost my momentum of doing my best every time. Nowadays, I tend to feel satisfied with the least.

But I cannot stay like this for long. The end of the world does not wait for me. If Allah says it's tomorrow yet I am not ready, I cannot say 'Stop'.

Personally, I think it is hard for me to gain back what I've lost these past few months and I feel like I'm crawling slowly to get back to the momentum from before. Allahu hafizi~

Monday, September 17, 2012

to be a child again


These past few days, I've come across statuses, articles, excerpts from novels and such that touch on the topic of children and the comparison between children and adults. It gets me thinking that being a child is better than being an adult.

A child is more courageous.

A child is more creative.

A child is more curious.

A child is more adventurous.

A child is more resilient.

A child is more persistent.

A baby who knows nothing will work hard (even if he is not aware of it) to learn new things. Eating, crawling, walking, speaking, running.. if the baby gives up along the way, he will never grow up.

A child has a lot of things to learn too. Writing, counting, peeing and pooing without diapers, befriending even.. and as a Muslim, he must learn how to pray and recite al-Quran. He wouldn't be able to achieve all these things if he quits without trying hard.

Sometimes, I think adults have to 'step down' a bit and think like a child again. Imitate a child's vigour, emulate his perseverance, be driven high in dreams and aspirations like a child has, so that the world would be a better place. :)

To end the post, I will give a riddle:

When opened, the world becomes light in a sudden
When closed, the world becomes dark in a moment
What is it?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

rintihan murabbi


Sebentar tadi, saya menerima sebuah mesej daripada murabbi saya. Beliau berasa sedih kerana tidak mendapat maklum balas daripada saya untuk sebarang mesejnya. Telefon pun tidak berangkat.

Alasan saya:
1) Saya guilty-conscious
2) Saya memang kurang alert dengan handphone

Saya seolah-olah sedang berkonflik dengan diri sendiri. Saya mahu seperti dulu, konsisten setiap minggu duduk di dalam bulatan gembira. Namun pada masa yang sama, apabila saya membayangkan masa pertemuan yang agak panjang dan perjalanan yang jauh serta beberapa pengorbanan lain, saya jadi lemah.


Izinkanku pergi buat sementara waktu
Mencari diri yang telah hilang
Agar bisa kukembali lebih gemilang
Mendokong dan menyokong gerak dakwah
Demi menyelamatkan ummah

kerehatan sebentar


Hari ini, sekali lagi saya telah terlepas peluang untuk duduk bersama saudara seagama saya dalam bulatan gembira. Benar, sejak semalam lagi, saya berasa begitu berat untuk turut serta (sedangkan ianya wajib) tetapi saya tetapkan dan cekalkan hati saya untuk terus melangkah. Tak mahu lagi beri peluang kepada syaitan dan kuncu-kuncunya menang. Saya tekad, hari ini saya adalah pemenangnya.

Namun, hampa.

Saya tewas.

Kehendak biologi menjadi penghalang. Bukan sekali, malah sudah berkali-kali perkara yang sama berlaku untuk keadaan yang sama. Ditelan mati mak, diluah mati bapak.

Itulah... saya mahu sangat berehat dari jalan ini. Kononnya sudah penat.

"Diya, wake up!! Nak rehat sementara kat dunia kemudian dipersoalkan di akhirat ataupun nak dapat kerehatan yang sebenar-benarnya di syurga nanti?"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

the responsibility as Muslims


Once, my sister and I had quite a heated argument discussion with my mother with regards to the responsibility of a Muslim. We were watching a Malay drama about a married couple whose marriage 'aqd was voided because the wali was not the bride's legitimate father. The bride's parents refused to tell their daughter the truth and the matter was left untouched until one day their daughter told them that she was pregnant. The father did not want history to repeat itself, but the mother was adamant not to tell their daughter of their shameful past.

I touched lightly on the subject of how we have to tell some of our relatives that if their daughters are going to marry, they have to tell the truth and not let the stepfathers or other non-legal male to be their wali so as to avoid the above situation. I did not think that my mother would react strongly against the idea.

She totally opposed to the idea. I told her that it is our duty as Muslims, and being family members, we would be the best people to approach our relatives. She said some other relatives had tried to in the past and  what happened was broken family ties. She did not want the same thing to happen again. She did not want to hear people say things like, 'Jaga anak kau tu sendiri.', 'Ingat baik sangat ke..' and the likes.

I told my mother that we have to ignore those kind of remarks but the duty is still ours to perform. In the end, I had to say to my mother that it would be better for her to say that she has no strength yet to say it upfront but she will insyaAllah. Opposing what has been decreed upon us is very dangerous and might tether us to the path of kufr, wa na'uzubillah...

It is sometimes hard to make my mother understand some things I have learned. I do not want to sound more educated than her, but at the same time, I want to share these thoughts with her.

Allah, show me the way for me to be firm yet kind to my mother.

taubat dan satu janji


Temanku telah berkongsi suatu cerita dukanya denganku. Berita yang dikhabarkan memang mengejutkan. Namun yang lebih penting, episod duka itu telah berganti dengan sebuah episod gembira. Kadangkala, kita harus bersedih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kegembiraan yang terindah.

Apakah perkara yang paling menggembirakan manusia? Bagiku, salah satunya adalah apabila dosa diampunkan Allah. Seperti orang yang berhutang yang telah langsai hutangnya, seperti itulah perasaan manusia yang dosanya terampun keseluruhannya. Malah berganda-ganda lagi gembiranya.

Kalau berhutang, bayar hutangnya.
Kalau berdosa, bertaubatlah.

Kata temanku, jangan dipandang rendah orang yang berdosa, kerana hari ini mungkin kamu lebih mulia daripadanya, tapi esok mungkin dia lebih mulia dari kamu kerana dia sudah bertaubat dengan sesungguhnya sedangkan kamu pula masih bermegah dengan amal kebaikan kamu.

Kata-katanya mengingatkanku tentang sesuatu.

Mungkin juga hajatku tidak tercapai, kerana kuikatkannya dengan satu janji. Selagi janji tidak ditepati, mungkin Allah menahan dari mengabulkan hajatku. Allah~

padang jarak, padang tekukur


Istilah di atas macam sesuai je dengan keadaan blogku sejak kebelakangan ini. Idea ada, masa je yang tiada (ini hanya ALASAN).

Kadang-kadang tu rasa kecewa dengan diri sendiri bila lama tinggalkan aktiviti menulis. Sebab saya rasa, bila susah nak menulis, itu petanda bahawa diriku:

a) tidak peka dengan keadaan sekeliling a.k.a selfish/self-centered
b) tiada kesungguhan a.k.a MALAS
c) kontang sebab tiada pengisian untuk jiwa

Yang paling sedih bagiku adalah pilihan C. Memang saya akui, sudah lama saya meninggalkan aktiviti berusrah. Saya rindu untuk berusrah, tapi ia tidak mampu untuk melawan rasa malas dalam diri. Rasa terbeban untuk mengikut serta. Mungkin sebab ahli liqa yang bertukar-tukar. Mungkin faktor jarak/perjalanan yang semakin jauh. Entahlah.. mungkin juga hati sudah terbiasa dengan maksiat. Mudah saja syaitan memujukku untuk meninggalkan usrah.

Seperti kata seorang pembentang kertaskerja di seminar tadi, ada satu jenis manusia yang tahu akan keburukan, namun masih lagi mengamalkannya di sampinag amal kebajikan yang lain, sehingga amal kebaikannya tidak mampu untuk menepis keburukan yang berada dalam hatinya. Allahu Akbar!!