
Berjalan Mencari Makna dalam Hidup


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Monday, December 15, 2008

No Reason To Miss Solat


I was surfing the net as usual, looking for interesting pictures when i came across these pictures below. One shows a man who's working near a construction area performing his solat and another which shows men praying on a narrow platform.

This really is an eye-opener. Personally, i say, i know that i am obligated to perform the prayer five times a day, but sometimes i just pray because i need to, because i have to. Not because i found solace when communicating with Allah s.w.t. in my prayers. It saddened me at times when i felt like so. I've heard that solat has the utmost importance of all ibadah. Yet at times, all i do is recite my fatihah and other surahs like a speeding bullet.

As it is, because of the high importance it is given, no matter in what situation someone is, there is absolutely no reason not to perform the prayer. No water, it's the tayammum instead. Too sick to stand? Sit down while praying, it's okay. Bed-ridden? Unable to move your hands and legs? No matter, your eyes can do the work instead. Even when you die, solat is the must thing for you - of course, somebody else will do it for you.

And even if you are in a battle, and you're afraid your enemies might attack while you solat, you can change your qiblat. Allah still accepts your solat.

This serves as a reminder to me when i'm outside and far from any surau or masjeed. If some people say make-up bags, handphones or portable games are the must-haves in their bags, personally, my praying garments and qiblat pointer are the must-haves for me.

It makes me appreciate more that i can do my prayers freely when i'm in Malaysia. There are suraus everywhere, and it is no hassle for me to find a spot to solat.

But i guess, when you are facing a troubled situation, you tend to do better, ain't it right?

Wallahu a'lam

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