Alhamdulillah, i finally got to know my much-awaited examination results. All praises be to Allah s.w.t. The waiting has paid off. Alhamdulillah, my results this semester is better than the last semester. Even though i've faced many challenges and was drained emotionally this semester, Allah s.w.t has helped me through my difficult times. Thank you Allah.
I've realised that we have much to say thanks to Allah s.w.t. The fact we were born is the first thank you we must say to Him. Then comes the other thank you(s) for His neverending blessings that He blessed upon us. The gift of life, the ability to breathe, the ni'mah of food and drinks... If it is upon humans, we are surely incapable of doing anything without His help. Even the strongest human could not overpower His power. Just think, as much as we can endure pain, we can never hold off the need to 'pass' (buang hajat). Isn't it just amazing?
My success is Allah's doing. It is not my doing. I am merely a medium of channelling His powers. Although i am happy for my success, i cannot hold my head proud. Pride is His, not mine. Feeling proud might just lead me to 'ujub & riya'. Na'uzubillah...
On a lighter note, i'm really happy to meet up with my 'granddaughter' (kalau ikut pangkat la kan. i'm not yet a grandmother :D) she has grown so much since i last saw her, which was during the study break. Now she can walk and talk (okay, not much talking - more like blabbering..haha)
At first, she was shy. Of course, i don't usually meet with her, so i'm quite an unknown to her. But Aleeya Humairah was sweet. The dimples made her look even sweeter. I am so in love with her. Her sister, Aimi Hamiza, was not around, or else i would be swooned over in love. The sisters are just so adorable.
I didn't get a nice picture of both of them yet. Below is the only one that I have for now.
Babies render so much happiness in oneself. No one can feel angry when they are in a baby's company. There is also a saying that hugging a baby can reduce stress level. Personally, i feel it is true. Whenever i'm stressed, a baby never fails to put a smile on my face. That's why i love babies so much. :D :D
Anyway, i hope one day i'll be holding my own baby. Holding another's baby is fine, but i feel holding one's own is even better...right??
Wallahu a'lam
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