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Thursday, February 9, 2012

halal conscious


This is an old post and I feel I should just post it (after a few alterations) because it has stayed long enough in the drafts section.

This is from my personal observation and opinion, period.

Sometimes, I wonder, what is the purpose of the department responsible in issuing halal certificates if people do not adhere to it? As a Muslim, we are decreed to make the correct choice of what we consume. IT IS COMPULSORY. Those certificates are just guidelines. But somehow I feel it is better if food stalls display the halal certificates, even stalls that have Muslim employees because having Muslim employees do not guarantee the halalness of the eating place.

There are a lot examples that we can see from our surroundings. Muslims working in eating places that are not only don't have any halal certificates, but are also selling alcoholic drinks. And yet, many Muslims do not think twice buying from these places because having a Muslim worker is already enough an assurance. I feel bad...because it's been said that if there's a haram entity running through a Muslim body, his ibadah will be in vain. Of course, i'm not imposing on anyone. The question of one's ibadah, whether Allah will consider it or not is truly Allah's decision. I'm merely reminding myself and others too, we need to be responsible for whatever we consume. Stay away from the haram especially, and steer away from the syubhah.

But the question does not only constitutes the ingredients used in food and beverages. The income you use to buy food and drinks must also be from a halal source. Even if you buy halal items but with stolen money, the food itself will be haram to you, not because of its substance but because the money you used comes from a haram source. It's applicable also to food sellers. Because you work day till night attending your stall, you miss your solat.

Like I mentioned in my previous posts regarding solat, no matter in what condition you are, you are to perform your solat. Even when you forgot, the moment you remember, you must perform your solat. Which brings back to the question above. The food vendors miss their solat to attend to their stalls. What happened to the food? How is it classified? What happened to their income? Does it considered to come from a halal source? What about the customers?

I am standing at a crossroad, because this happens to someone who is very near to me. I desperately need the answers so as to calm my heart so. Wallahu a'lam

"Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yang hak dengan yang batil dan janganlah kamu sembunyikan yang hak itu, sedang kamu mengetahui." (Al-Baqarah ayat 42)

p/s: actually, writing personal blog during working time is also something which I am not supposed to do.. astaghfirullah~

p/p/s: i wrote regarding the meals prepared by a person who does not do his prayers are worse than a black dog's urine. here's the link to the story:
air tangan & makanan 

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