Everytime I fell out of love, I'm always saying "Menyayangi tak bermaksud memiliki" to comfort the aching heart. What more can I do when my feelings are not being shared with the other party? We cannot force love upon others.. it's something that one feels deep in one's heart, due to His rahmah..
But a statement from a friend gets me thinking..
If you love somebody, you would want to be with him..
Just like you say you love Allah, of course, you want Allah to always be with you, by your side..
If you know that you can't have him, then why love in the first place?
True enough..
I spent (read: waste) my time thinking about ways to make him fall for me, but I forgot to spare (read: spend) my thoughts for Him. In the end, he left me.. yet He stays with me.
And another statement is..
We don't own anything in this world..
That is a fact.
Everything in this world.. me, you, the land, the seas, the mountains, the stars, the moon && so on are all His. The ni'mah we enjoy are all His. We are His. And to Him we shall return..
So.. with these two enlightening statements, I don't feel i'm out of love..
Rather, I feel i'm loved~
Wallahu a'la wa a'lam..