
Berjalan Mencari Makna dalam Hidup


  • Allah & His Messenger
  • my family
  • mereka yang menyayangi saya :))
  • babies and toddlers
  • my course
  • my late cat :(

Friday, October 28, 2011

wake-up call


Being a non-perfect human being, you are not free from horrible days. Days when you feel you do not want to top-up your good deeds. Days when you feel you are at your lowest point of life. Days when you feel you are constantly barred from even the simplest ibadah. Allahu hafiz~

But, when you feel all is lost, Allah pulls you gently away from the dark place you are venturing into. Allah gives you a nudge, reminding you that there is He who you need to ask help from.

I missed two weeks of usrah. I gave unsubstantial excuse for both. Because of family.

And now, I am missing two weeks of al-Quran classes. The children's health does not permit them so.

I think it's a wake-up call for me. A tit for a tat.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

aku diperhatikan...


Anak kecil suka diberi perhatian oleh ibu dan ayahnya. Kucing suka diberi perhatian oleh tuannya.

Tiap-tiap hari kita diberi perhatian sebenarnya. Cuma kita yang tak tahu. Atau mungkin tahu, tetapi buat-buat tak tahu.

Allah melihat, mendengar, mengetahui segala sesuatu tentang kita. Allah memberi perhatian terhadap setiap perlakuan, tingkah laku, tutur kata kita sepanjang siang dan malam. Allah siap lagi beri kita bodyguard di sebelah kanan dan kiri kita.

Tapi kita? Dalam 24jam, berapa jam kita peruntukkan untuk memberi sepenuh perhatian hanya kepada Allah? Sejujurnya, dan sedihnya, tidak seberapa, kan?

Begitulah kita... untuk Allah, sikit sekali...

p/s: edited version