
Berjalan Mencari Makna dalam Hidup


  • Allah & His Messenger
  • my family
  • mereka yang menyayangi saya :))
  • babies and toddlers
  • my course
  • my late cat :(

Friday, January 2, 2009


Barely a week into the new semester and i'm already feeling drained. Maybe it's just the start of the semester and i'm still in my holiday mood.

There will be a lot of activities to be done this semester. I have to stop feeling tired easily. I need to build up my stamina fast. This semester will be a shorter one than the last one and i'm taking the same amount of credit hours as previous semester.

And i have to keep reminding myself, whatever that i'm doing, it's not because i wanted attention, not because i want to hear praises, but because i did it for Allah s.w.t and His Messenger s.a.w. For Islam.

Oh Allah
Keep my heart away from its diseases

For i am a mere mortal
and a mere servant
Help me through the tests you set upon me

Allah knows best. I'm sure.

Wallahu a'lam


ف.ر. said...

remind me as well :(

Unknown said...

me too...=)

Ya Allah jadikanlah kami orang yang ikhlas dalam segala gerak dan bicara kami...

bukan nama yang dicari keredhaanMU yang kami damba.

Redhailah perjalanan hidup kami. gengamlah kami dengan kasihMU. Jangan diKau lepaskan kami ke arah kegelapan. Jangan kau gelapkan hati kami dengan pujian. Sesungguhnya pujian itu hanya layak bagiMU...

Nawal Insyirah said...

pada setiap permulaan sebarang urusan, kite rase (personally) kite kene betulkan niat..

sbb takot mule2 niat mmg bile da terase penat ke pressured ke, niat teros tukar lain...
